The Kidnapping of Lady Gaga’s Dogs — Everything We Know So Far

The film and music industries along with pet lovers around the world were shocked to hear the news of a terrifying incident involving global superstar, Lady Gaga, and her dogs.

In this article, we will provide all the details currently known about what really happened and what questions still remain unanswered.

The incident

On February 24th, 2021 at approximately 9:40pm in Hollywood, California, two males dressed in dark clothing pulled up in a white four-door sedan alongside Ryan Fischer, a Los Angeles-based celebrity dog walker. The two men emerged from the vehicle and a scuffle immediately ensued. The intentions of the two men immediately became clear as they attempted to take control of Koji, Gustav and Asia— three French Bulldogs belonging to Grammy-winning recording artist, Lady Gaga.

Fischer, who is employed by Lady Gaga and was walking the dogs late that evening, attempted to defend himself and the dogs. As the altercation continued, one of the assailants suddenly produced a firearm and commanded Fischer to give up the dogs. Seconds later, a shot was fired, striking Fischer in the chest. As Fischer fell, the two men scrambled back to the vehicle and sped away into the night. 

Fischer, becoming aware of his injuries, began to cry for help. Unfortunately, he also realized that two out of three of Lady Gaga’s dogs that he was walking that night were now nowhere to be found.

A neighbor’s home surveillance system eerily captured the entire incident on film. 

What happened to the dogs?

Koji and Gustavo were stolen during the traumatic incident. 

Asia, the third French bulldog belonging to Lady Gaga, was left behind as the assailants fled the scene. The adorable black Frenchie ran away briefly, but soon returned to Fischer’s side until help arrived. 

Lady Gaga's response

On February 26th, two days following the alleged dognapping, Lady Gaga released a statement across her social media outlets, pleading for the safe and prompt return of her beloved dogs, Koji and Gustav. 

As an added incentive, Lady Gaga offered a $500 000 USD reward in exchange for her dogs’ release, “no questions asked.” Her statement also thanked Fischer, her dog walker who was wounded during the incident, for his bravery and dedication to her family. 

Unfortunately, Lady Gaga was in Rome, Italy, working on a project when the shocking incident occurred.

The return of Koji and Gustav

For four long and painful days, there was no word on the whereabouts of Lady Gaga’s beloved dogs.

Finally, on the evening of February 26th, 2021, a woman walked into a police station in Los Angeles’ Koreatown— miraculously with Koji and Gustav safely in tow. 

The dogs were deemed unharmed, in good spirits and were turned over to Lady Gaga’s representatives soon after.

The woman who returned Kovi and Gustav to the authorities reported that she came across the dogs tied to a pole in a nearby alleyway, miles away from where they were violently stolen. 

What do we know about the woman who returned the dogs?

Little is publically known about the woman who returned Koji and Gustav to the authorities at this time.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is currently keeping her identity and all personal information under wraps as the criminal investigation on the incident continues. However, the LAPD believe the woman to simply be a good samaritan with no inside involvement in the kidnapping at this time. 

Lady Gaga with her dog Asia on the cover of Harper's Bazaar in 2015

How is Lady Gaga's dog walker?

Ryan Fischer was rushed to the hospital following the incident. Upon his arrival, his injuries were thankfully deemed non-life-threatening and he is expected to make a full recovery.

Fischer posted on social media to detail his ordeal and update the world on his recovery. He recounted the story of Asia, the third dog who remained by his side throughout the incident, and called her his “guardian angel.” He then thanked all those around the world for their concern and support.

Where are the criminals?

While Koji, Gustav, and Asia are all safe and sound, the search for the two individuals responsible for the dognapping of famed superstar Lady Gaga’s dogs and the shooting of her dogwalker, Ryan Fischer, continues.

On February 27th, 2021, the Los Angeles Police Department released a description of the suspects.

The men were both described as black males, aged 20 to 25. The suspects were last seen speeding away from the crime scene in a white Nissan Altima. In addition, the individual who fired the shot which ultimately struck Ryan Fischer was described as having blond dreadlocks and wearing a black hoodie. 

Home surveillance footage captured the entire harrowing incident on film

What was the motive for the crimes?

At this time, it is unclear whether this was a targeted incident specifically against Lady Gaga and her pets or simply the robbery of a highly sought-after dog breed.

French bulldogs, also known as “Frenchies,” can command prices anywhere from $1500 to $5000, especially in their early puppyhood. This breed is wildly popular according to the American Kennel Club, likely due to their adorable facial features, small stature and lovable disposition. In addition, several other incidents of attempted dognapping involving other French Bulldogs have recently been reported in California.  

At the time of writing, it has been reported that the Los Angeles Police Department has advised Lady Gaga and her team to hold off on providing the $500 000 reward to the woman who returned the dogs until the ongoing investigation is concluded.

Lady Gaga with Koji in 2015

So what happens next?

The individuals responsible for this chilling incident are still at large and are considered armed and dangerous. 

If caught, it is expected that the individuals involved will face charges of robbery, aggravated assault and likely even attempted murder.